News and Information

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June 13, 2018 By Bill Gates

Can this cooler save kids from dying?

Two of the things I love most about my job are getting to see amazing innovations and talk to remarkable people. During a recent trip to New York, I got to check both boxes. I met a woman named Papa Blandine Mbwey who is using a revolutionary new invention to help more kids get vaccinated.

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Apr 26, 2018 Knowledge@Wharton

Stretching Sustainable Development Funds

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a sister organization of the World Bank, is making a big push in the Asia-Pacific region.

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Feb 15, 2018 Knowledge@Wharton

A Fish Farming Social Enterprise Wants to Lead a ‘Blue Revolution’

Akshay Verma grew up in Bihar, one of India’s poorest states, but went on to work as an investment banker with UBS in London after getting degrees at Columbia University and Oxford University. While he enjoyed a privileged life, images of poverty in Bihar continued to haunt him. In 2013, the millennial left his job and returned to Bihar “to change things and make it better.”

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Feb 13, 2018 Knowledge@Wharton

How the Next Generation Is Changing Charitable Giving

Charitable giving has long been the domain of wealthy industrialists and their foundations after a lifetime of achievements. But the profile of today’s philanthropists is changing: Increasingly, they are Gen Xers and millennials who are reinventing what it means to do good. They want more than just their name on the donors’ wall; they want to see real and measurable results.

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feb 07, 2018 Knowledge@Wharton

How Businesses Can Drive Health Care to the Underserved

More than a billion people worldwide, including in the U.S., lack access to basic health care, but they are very much on the radar of some public spirited organizations, both big and small. One is Medtronic, a large manufacturer of medical devices that has its worldwide operational headquarters in Minneapolis, Minn.

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24 Oct 2017 Lydia Ramsey

This century-old idea could save 10 million lives a year by 2050

Antibiotic resistance — the phenomenon in which bacteria stop responding to certain antibiotics — is a growing threat around the world.

It's expected to kill 10 million people annually by 2050.

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February 4 2018 | 7:00 AM ETMatthea Roemer for NPR

A Crowd Is Waiting For A Cervical Cancer Clinic On Wheels

Women wait by a maternal health care clinic in Pabre, Burkina Faso, for a free cervical cancer screening. Matthea Roemer for NPR

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MPH on February 02, 2018autor: Alanna Shaikh,

Why You Should Be Freaking Out that the US Centers for Disease Control Is Massively Cutting its Overseas Operations. (Hint: Diseases Like Ebola Don’t respect borders)

About two weeks ago, an internal memo leaked from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

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Feb 1st 2018 Print edition

A revolution in health care is coming

Patients from Yemen thank UAE for medical treatment in India that helped them return to normal life When flying from Yemen to India in April for treatment, Hassan Abdullah Ahmad’s left leg had already been amputated and he was told that his right leg would meet the same fate.

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